The second report which follows a series of care home visits conducted by Healthwatch Darlington, to ascertain the quality of life and choices of care home residents across the Borough.
Find out how Healthwatch Darlington worked with other regional local Healthwatch organisations to listen to services users about what they think about digital patient records.
Healthwatch Darlington carried out a short survey to achieve a better understanding of what
patients and their families thought about the maternity care they had received at Darlington
Memorial Hospital in the last 12 months.
Information sharing about a new sexual heath & contraceptive service in Darlington was confusing for young people. Find out more about what they told us and hear what happened with our findings.
Darlington Borough Council (DBC)
and Darlington Clinical
Commissioning Group (CCG)
contacted Healthwatch
Darlington (HWD) to help gather
feedback from Children and
Young People (CYP), Parents and
Healthwatch Darlington worked with GP surgeries to understand the different requirements for each practice, when it comes to patient registration and identification.
Following consultation over a 3 month period ending March 2015, we listened to residents from the Bengali, West Indian, Roma Gypsy, African, Jewish and Chinese communities.