The Diabetes Collaborative Clinical Trial Network - do you have questions about Type 1 Diabetes?

The Diabetes Collaborative Clinical Trial Network are currently in the process of updating and identifying the top ten priorities and unanswered questions by and from adults with type 1 diabetes living in the UK and Ireland.

The Network is hoping to contact a broad range of healthcare professionals, carers and most importantly people living with type 1 diabetes, to get their perspectives on what are the most important unanswered questions in type 1 diabetes.  They have designed a survey to gather questions and opinions on type 1 diabetes and hope you can help.

Who can do the survey?

Anyone over the age of 18;

• Living in the UK or Ireland Either;

1. Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes,

2. Close to someone who lives with type 1 diabetes (e.g. family member, partner or friend)

3. A professional involved in the care of adults with type 1 diabetes we want to hear the questions you would like answered.

Take the survey

You can also download full information on this project, below.


The Diabetes Collaborative Clinical Trial Network - information