Youthwatch Darlington GP Report 2019

Youthwatch Darlington's young volunteers explored the information and accessibility of the surgery and their website for young patients.
Our young volunteers key findings consisted of the following:
Surgery 1
- There is a wide variety of general posters and leaflets but not much relating to young people; need more relating to mental health.
- Some posters and leaflets were out of date.
• Some posters are dull and non-colorful.
• Reading material was good but could do with some aimed at children.
• Glass panels are very unwelcoming and intimidating.
Surgery 2
• Colorful display boards were great and could be used throughout the surgery.
- Not enough emphasis was placed on information relevant to young people.
- The information on the walls and in leaflets was primarily aimed at the older generation.
- The waiting area was welcoming and open.
Surgery 3
• We felt that the notice board for young people could be made a greater focus of the waiting room, making it more visible to its target audience.
• We felt that on the whole, the volume of information on offer was great, though there are some areas which show room for improvement, namely physical health concerns.
• Signposting around the surgery was fantastic, making it clear and simple to navigate the surgery.
Next Steps
Youthwatch Darlington will be sharing this report with all local GP surgeries, offering to continue visits in further surgeries throughout 2020. They will also share this report with Primary Healthcare Darlington, to highlight good practice within surgeries that we have visited so far. Finally, they will share this report with Darlington Borough Council and Healthwatch England, to demonstrate how young people are making a difference in the Borough of Darlington.
Youthwatch Darlington would like to thank Denmark Street Surgery, Moorlands Surgery and Clifton Court Medical Practice for arranging the visits. Our young volunteers really enjoyed the visits and producing this report.
If you require this information in an alternative format or if you have any questions, please get in touch we would love to hear from you.