Youthwatch Darlington GP Report, Denmark Street Surgery 2019

Youthwatch Darlington's young volunteers explored the information and accessibility of the surgery and their website for young patients.
Our young volunteers key findings consist of the following:
There is a wide variety of general posters and leaflets but not much relating to young people; need more relating to mental health.
• Some posters and leaflets were out of date.
• Some posters are dull and non-colorful.
• Reading material was good but could do with some aimed at children.
• Glass panels are very unwelcoming and intimidating.
• Colorful display boards were great and could be used throughout the surgery.
Next Steps
Following on from Youthwatch Darlington’s report being sent to Denmark Street Surgery they were invited to create a new display board for young patients within the GP surgery. The display board features within the main waiting area and the surgery now has posters, a website list and a leaflet list ready to continue developing the information available for young patients further. The display board features information about mental health, sexual health, young carers, diet, young people and loneliness. The posters include crisis text lines, parent helplines and online links for further information.
For information in an alternative format or if you have any questions, please get in touch we would love to hear from you.