North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board - The way we involve people and communities

The North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board published their first plan about the way they involve people in 2022. In 2024, they wanted to hear more views on the plan before refreshing it.

Healthwatch spoke to lots of different groups and then reported the feedback to us. We heard that people:

·       agreed with the content but wanted clearer language,

·       wanted to see a clear plan on how we will deliver, and

·       suggested different principles.

In response, we have:

·       Shortened and simplified the document.

·       Created new principles. These are:

o   meaningful involvement

o   removing barriers

o   listening to feedback

·       Made it clear what processes and systems support us to deliver. Also how these systems keep us to account.

·       Developed an action plan. This will show what we will do and how we will measure progress.

We would now like to test this version with more people. Please tell us what you think about our plans to involve people and communities. 

Read the plan for Involving People and Communities here. Please then tell us what you think here