Share Your Views of the North East Ambulance Service
We are working with the North East Ambulance Service to understand people’s experiences and expectations of the broad range of NEAS’s services, including:
- Ambulances and paramedics
- Patient transport
- 999 call handling
- NHS111
Whether it was sending an ambulance for transport to the hospital, referral to other places for treatment, or treatment at home, we would like to hear your views and feedback in this quick, anonymous survey:
By managing both urgent and non-urgent care, NEAS are at the heart of the health and care system in our region. Your views on how they deliver their services, and how they support those who contact them will help shape future planning and delivery.
“Our patients, the people who support them, and people who may need to use our services in the future are incredibly important to us, and we would like them to be at the heart of the way in which we plan our future as an organisation.”
As a thank you for your time and contribution, at the end of the survey you will have the opportunity to take part in our prize draw to win £100 of Love2Shop vouchers.
If you would be interested in giving more detailed feedback, require a paper copy, or would prefer to talk to someone rather than fill in a survey, please contact us on 0191 263 5321 or email