County Durham And Darlington NHS Foundation Trust - Are You a Member?

Have you thought about becoming a Member of the Trust which runs the NHS services in our area and which we all rely on?

Foundation Trusts have more freedom from government control than other trusts and are intended to be more answerable to the population they serve. In other words, they are intended to extend democracy to our health service. However, that can only work if enough people participate to make a difference.

While our current members are engaged and vocal we need many more to have a membership that is truly reflective of the population the Trust serves. You can make a real difference by joining as a Member of the Trust and by encouraging family and friends to do so.

The benefits of membership are:

  • Access to NHS discounts
  • Notification of Trust events and consultations
  • Direct engagement for the Trust Quality Strategy
  • A vote in elections to the Council of Governors

Governors oversee the way the Trust is being run by the Board responsible for delivering services. They can only be really effective if they are part of a wider democratic process. Membership might encourage you to stand for election as a Governor.

It is easy to join the Trust as a Member and it is free. You just need to be over 14 years old and live in the area served by the Trust.

More information about membership and how to become a member can be found on the Trust website.