Organisation of the week - NE NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy (NE ICA)

Our next organisation of the week is NE NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy!

About NE NHS Independent Complaints Advocacy (NE ICA)

We support any Darlington resident (even if temporarily resident due to a health situation) to raise a formal NHS complaint against any NHS funded service whether this is received within Darlington or outside the Local Authority area including if delivered from a non-NHS location i.e. private Hospital as long as the treatment and care is being delivered on behalf of the NHS. this may include GP, Dentist, Pharmacy, Optician, Hospital services , Mental Health services or any other of the many specialist NHS services. 

The service is free of charge as is the Helpline number where you can speak with an advocate 10-2pm or leave a message outside these times. 

We are a statutory service which remains commissioned by Darlington Borough Council since 2013 and completely independent of the NHS. Should you wish to turn to us for information you will be accessing a completely confidential service which will not disclose any of your information without your express permission. 

We do not judge any user of our services and remain client led supporting people through the NHS complaints process. You can decide not to progress at any time. 

We provide information in accessible formats and can meet face to face at any suitable venue – meetings can also be facilitated online. 

We employ a deaf advocate to support any prospective deaf users of our services who has access to a fully funded BSL interpreter. 

We are also able to signpost you to other Organisations should you need more specialised information/ advice. 

Our advocates live locally, and all hold the necessary professional qualifications and the service itself has been awarded the Quality Performance Mark for Advocacy services since 2017 and successfully passed reaccreditation for 2023-2026.

Address: NHS complaints advocacy N.E. P.0.Box 11282 Nottingham NG5 0NZ


Email address:

Opening times: 9-5 Monday – Thursday, 9-4.30 Fridays

Helpline 24 hours message service

Age ranges for each service: 16+ we can help younger users of our service with the support of an appropriate person e.g. – parent , carer, other family member over 18 or anyone else affected by the young person’s NHS care and treatment

Referral pathways: Via Freephone Helpline 0808 802 3000 

Via email 

Via completed referral form download from webpage – submitted either electronically or through post. 

In writing to NHS complaints advocacy N.E. P.0.Box 11282 Nottingham NG5 0NZ