Staff Wellbeing Hub - Survey Participation - Learning from health care staff experiences of attempting to take their own life: how we co-create lives worth living

The Staff Wellbeng Hub are recruiting participants for a confidential study focused on the impact of attempting suicide in health care staff population.

What is the research about?

They hope to challenge stigma, learn about recovery, prevent suicide and create a different narrative about suicide attempts. They hope that healthcare staff who have attempted to take their own life in the past will share their experiences and learning.

Why are they doing this?

They know this is an unexplored but important area. They know staff who work in healthcare are often uneasy about talking about this but that these attempts are not uncommon. It would be helpful to know what role this has in your work and what has been important and relevant for you in your life and career.

What does the research involve?

They are recruiting participants for a confidential study focused on the impact of attempting suicide in health care staff population. The anonymous online survey (15-40 minutes) may be followed up by an optional Interview (40 – 60 minutes).

All information about this survey - including participation recruitment poster, information leaflet and the link to take the survey - is available below.