State of Caring 2021 Survey

Carers UK are currently running their State of Caring survey 2021. They are really keen to hear about your experiences – good or bad – in as much detail as possible as this helps them understand what it is like to be a carer in 2021.
Carers UK Logo

The survey is the UK’s most comprehensive research into the lives and experience of carers and many professionals who work with carers find the results provide a useful evidence base for their work locally. They want to understand carers’ priorities for the future and what support they need to help recover from the pandemic, and to create a positive legacy for the future. They will use the evidence to continue to campaign for carers to get better support.

Over the last year, their research and responses to their surveys have helped them to highlight carers’ experiences across the UK and helped them campaign successfully for better guidance, testing for carers, PPE for unpaid carers, carers' 'support bubbles' and exemptions to allow carers to get a break.  

Click here to take part in the survey

The survey is open until 13th September.

Please note that this survey is only for unpaid carers (or former unpaid carers) who are looking after a disabled, older or seriously ill relative or friend.

Carers UK give carers expert advice, information and support. They campaign and innovate to find better ways to reach and support carers.

Visit their website for more information