Just a reminder that the next MVP Maternity Voices in Partnership Babi group meeting is on Tuesday 17th March 10.am – 12noon, Hollies Restaurant, meeting room 1, Darlington Memorial Hospital (lower ground floor).
First Stop Darlington are turning 21! Why don't you go along to a fun night and help First Stop celebrate their 21st at the Mercure Hotel (King's Head) and raise money for a much needed service in Darlington.
On 16th May 2020 we will be offering free awareness testing for men in Darlington to establish their PSA levels and so give a possible indication of prostate cancer.
Dogs for Good run workshops throughout the UK to support families with an autistic child.
A workshop will be taking place in the North, in Newcastle, September 2020.
There is a good deal of evidence to support the fact that singing is good for everyone and it has been shown to be particularly beneficial especially for people with neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s.