Darlington College - Introductory Metal Inert Gas Welding Skills (level 1) & Motor Vehicle Services (level 1) courses beginning soon

Darlington College have an Introductory Metal Inert Gas Welding Skills (level 1) course & a Motor Vehicle Services (level 1) course, both beginning soon.

EAL Level 1 Award in Introductory Metal Inert Gas Welding Skills

Start date: Tuesday 25 March 2025

Time: 5:30pm - 8:30pm plus 1 hour independent study

Running until Tuesday 10 June 2025

What's involved:

This course is for learners who were 19 years or older on the 31st of August. 

The EAL Level 1 Award in Introductory Metal Inert Gas Welding Skills is a Vocational Related Qualification (VRQ). It has been specifically designed for those interested in pursing a career in the welding engineering sector. The qualification provides learners with a broad-based introduction to the practices and processes relating to metal inert welding skills. It also develops the learner's personal skills and attributes that they need in order to develop confidence in their ability to work, learn and achieve their full potential at Level 1. It takes a hands-on approach and covers basic knowledge and skills required by someone preparing to work in the welding engineering sector. 

Level 1 Award in Motor Vehicle Services

Start date: Wednesday 2 April 2025

Time: 5:30pm - 8:30pm plus 1 hour independent study

Running until Wednesday 4 June 2025

What's Involved: 

This course is for those who were aged 19 or over on the 31st of August.

This qualification is ideal for those wishing to learn the basics of car maintenance. It is intended to provide learners with a broad introduction to the motor vehicle sector, equipping learners with underpinning knowledge and skills specific to the sector alongside a range of transferable employability skills as well as developing English and Maths skills. It is designed to support progression to further learning and ultimately to work in motor vehicle services or other related sectors. 

The purpose of this qualification is to develop learners' understanding and knowledge in motor vehicle services and to support progression to the next level of vocational learning in motor vehicle services or a related area. It is particularly appropriate for:

Unemployed adults needing to demonstrate their interest in and commitment to the motor vehicle sector to potential employers, particularly where further work-based training will be on offer. 

Interested? Email GWeston@darlington.ac.uk for further information