NICE Committee member recruitment - Do you have a passion for quality improvement in health and social care services?

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence are looking for people with lived experience to join a NICE committee.
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NICE are currently looking for someone with lived experience (people who have been patients, parents, unpaid carers, people who use health and care services or community members) and their advocates (currently referred to as 'lay members' at NICE) to join the committee who develop NICE's quality standards


The person who is right for the role will have a real passion for quality improvement across health, public health and social care services. It would also be ideal if they could show that they have knowledge or experience of *how* to drive up the quality of services through a range of different approaches, for example, through service audits, improvement and action plans, or a programme of training or education for practitioners – but this is not essential.


As a standing lay member on a NICE committee, they won't have personal knowledge or experience of every topic this committee looks at, but they should have a broad understanding of the issues important to patients and their families or unpaid carers. They will be expected to research topics they are not familiar with so that they can gain this insight and highlight issues of importance for people and communities within the topic area.

To apply, see their recruitment advert for details of what working with the committee involves, and the kind of experience and knowledge they are looking for. Recruitment is open until 23.59pm on Sunday 9 February 2025.


They would welcome applications from those who have recent experience or knowledge of quality improvement across health, public health and social care, to join their committee. Their participation will be vital in ensuring that they hear the views, experiences and needs of those who are most directly impacted by NICE's work.


The appointed lay member will need to be able to contribute effectively in a formal committee setting. Their lay members are paid a fee to attend meetings in recognition of their valuable expertise and knowledge, and they also cover travel and other expenses.