Time's running out to qualify for Winter Fuel Payments
Pensioners who get pension credit will qualify. Pension Credit which is claimed by 20/12/24 and backdated will normally qualify the people for the Winter Fuel Payment.
Citizens Advices' BEAT - Benefit Enquiry Action Team, helps pensioners to get the pension credit they are entitled to.
Unfortunately where one member of a couple is a pensioner they cannot be entitled to Pension Credit. These claimants might still qualify for help but there is a much shorter timescale.
Mike Robinson, from BEAT says
"pensioners who have a partner under pensionable age cannot get Pension Credit. They may be able to claim Universal Credit though and - if they are able to backdate the benefit may also be able to get the Winter Fuel Payment.
"People with health problems or disabilities are most likely to qualify but to do so they should claim before 20/10/24"
Pensioners are urged to check their entitlement to Pension Credit and Universal Credit by ringing: (01325) 734999, Monday - Friday 2-4 pm.