Organisation of the week - Mobilise

This week we're delighted to spotlight Mobilise!

About Mobilise

We're an online service led by carers, for carers. 

Working in partnership with the local authority partners of The North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System (ICS), and effective immediately, Mobilise will provide residents in Darlington who are looking after a family member or friend, who has a disability, long-term illness or is elderly access to comprehensive online information and support.

Residents will be able to:

  • Discover an online network of people in similar situations found on our Mobilise Hub and Facebook
  • Get 24/7 support from Mobilise Assistant our new, virtual assistant, designed specifically to guide carers to right local support & knowledge
  • Join online cuppa sessions with others also caring
  • Use simple online tools like our Financial Tool Kit to help at each stage of their caring journey

Find out more and share:



Email address: N/A

Opening times: 24/7

Age ranges for each service: 18+

Referral pathways: N/A