NHS Care Volunteer Responders - Friendly phone calls available

NHS Care Volunteer Responders are now offering friendly phone calls during these tough times due to unrest in communities across the country including here in Darlington.

The NHS Volunteer Responders programme was initially established at pace and scale at the start of the pandemic to support people vulnerable to COVID 19.

Since then, its volunteers have delivered over 2.2m tasks and the programme has expanded to support the roll out of the vaccination programme.

Given the current climate and unrest in some communities across England, we wanted to remind you of the support available through Volunteer Responders.

Volunteers are on standby and ready to provide telephone support. If you are currently supporting someone you think may need a friendly chat and a listening ear, refer them today.

What telephone support is available?

Check In and Chat - Volunteers provide telephone support to people who would benefit from a friendly phone call to improve wellbeing and reduce loneliness and isolation. It can be a one-off, daily or weekly call. The support can be ongoing for up to 18 weeks. The calls will be from different volunteers each time. 

How can I make a referral?

Simply log a referral request through the GoodSAM portal.

You can create a tailored support package by referring someone to multiple Volunteer Responder services all at once. For example, someone may benefit from a friendly phone call from the 'Check-in and Chat' service, along with prescription delivery through the Community Response service.

Make a referral

Help spread the word

Volunteer Responders are ready to provide vital support. We kindly ask you to make your colleagues aware of the help on offer. Please feel free to share the following link with them https://nhscarevolunteerresponders.org/referral               

For further information, you can also book a call with your Regional Relationship Manager:

North East - Kerry Evans - kerry.evans@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk

North West – Jen Scott – jennifer.scott@royalvoluntaryservices.org.uk

East Midlands - Ellen Woodward - ellen.woodward@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk

West Midlands – Jen Williams – jen.williams@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk

East of England - Charlie Rossi - charlie.rossi@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk

London - Sarah Smith - sarah.a.smith@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk                

South West - Angela Sims - angela.sims@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk

South East - Charlie Rossi - charlie.rossi@royalvoluntaryservice.org.uk