Tees Valley Museums - Could you be a five star family?

Tees Valley Museums are looking for families to help shape what their museums do.

This opportunity is for families to have fully paid-for visits to museums and galleries across the Tees Valley, meeting once every 2 months at alternating venues across Tees Valley Museums.

Tees Valley Museums describe the role of chosen families when visiting museums as: "appraising their services, exhibitions, events, providing feedback (which can be used in publicity for the museum service) and providing guidance about how museums can be improved for the families who visit."

To join them, they say you must be:

  • A resident of Tees Valley (any of the five local authorities covered by Tees Valley Museums);
  • Be able to commit to joining us for a morning every two months for a minimum of a year;
  • Be happy to share your thoughts and feedback with the group.

To apply for this opportunity, please complete the application form here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=HSVHycSBm0yZXfPTt6BIx67czG-hIqxNiSePjSxGHytURUxYREw5NTJZRE5UUFlUQ05VNkw3RTRJSS4u  

Applications to this opportunity close on Sunday 1st September 2024.