Meet Amanda - New virtual patient tool

In a professional capacity do you find it difficult to talk to patients about weight?

We would like to introduce you to Amanda. Amanda is a virtual patient that has been developed by Northumbria Healthcare NHS Trust in partnership with Keele University and the regional MECC team. This new interactive tool will help you to practice having a conversation with patients about weight as this was highlighted to us as a subject that was difficult to talk about.

Why is it important?

It is important that we Make Every Contact Count (MECC) and that conversations about weight are not stigmatising, but supportive as this can be a barrier to accessing healthcare and contribute to health inequalities for people living with obesity.

Who should use the tool?

The tool is aimed at staff in a person facing role, but everyone can benefit from using the tool.

How it can help you?

The tool will help you put MECC into practice by having a conversation with Amanda. It aims to support you to develop your knowledge, motivation and confidence in having a helpful conversation about weight.

How long will it take?

We recommend 20 minutes to use the tool and explore the different options, but there is no set time as you can spend as long or as little as you wish.

Meet Amanda

Give us your feedback

The tool will be evaluated by Northumbria University between July and September 2024 and we would love to hear what you think of Amanda with a quick pre and post survey which is anonymous. This will be used to inform us better about your experience and any future developments.

To meet Amanda please use the following link or the attached QR code. 

For any MECC related enquiries please contact

Meet Amanda QR code