Organisation of the week - First Stop Darlington – Mental Wellbeing Service (Mindset Mentor Programme)

Our next organisation of the week is First Stop, and their Mindset Mentor Programme!

About First Stop's Mindset Mentor Programme

First Stop provides a Mindset Mentor Programme for people who are living with anxiety, stress and/or depression. The programme consists of a 7 week course in small groups and includes one to one support. This course is for people who have struggled with their self-confidence, self-esteem and are not enjoying the life they are living but cannot find a way to change things. 

The course provides you with an in-depth set of skills and helps you to look at how you want to live and gives you the tools to get there. It requires commitment to the learning as this course is designed to change your thought processes from a negative mindset to a positive mindset and gives you the new skills to see a way forward that you want. This is driven by you, with the support of a skilled Mindset Mentor. 

If you would like to know more please do get in touch, this course is normally only available through the private sector at a cost of £880 per person, however this course is free through our charity.

Address: 32 Houndgate, Darlington DL1 5RH


Email address:

Opening times: 9.30 – 12.30 – 1.30 – 4.30

Age ranges for each service: 18-64

Referral pathways: Self-referral – freephone 0808 196 3144 ask for Jess. Or email –