Organisation of the week - Growing Healthy Darlington

Our next organisation of the week is Growing Healthy Darlington!

About Growing Healthy Darlington

Growing Healthy Darlington provide 0-5 and 5-19 services to young people and families in the area. The role of the 0-5 Service is to protect and promote the health and wellbeing of children under five and their families. The 5-19 team promotes and protects the health and wellbeing of all children and young people aged 5 to 19.

Health Visitors 

Health visitors are registered nurses or midwives who have an additional qualification in specialist community public health nursing. They are highly skilled in the assessment and co-ordination of support tailored to individual and family needs. The team aims to help build parents’ confidence in their ability to give their child the best start in life and listen carefully and support when parents have concerns. It identifies and builds on what is going well, and provides information to help parents find their own solutions to problems where possible.

5-19 Healthy Child Service 

We work with children, young people, and families to empower and enable them to make informed decisions about health and to support them in transitioning safely and happily into adult life. The Darlington Growing Healthy 5-19 Team works in the home and community settings to deliver universal and targeted interventions designed to meet public health outcomes. We ensure the emotional and physical health and wellbeing of families, children, and young people across Darlington. We provide a service to all children and young people of school age, and their families, whether or not they are attending school. The service is based on the Healthy Child Programme from 5-19 years old. We offer advice and information and assess health needs on children entering school and on transfer to secondary schools. We are the first point of contact for schools when there are concerns about a child’s health and wellbeing.

Address: N/A

Website: Growing Healthy 0-19 Darlington – HDFT Childrens Health Service

Email address:

Opening times: Monday – Friday 9am-5pm (except bank holidays)

Age ranges for each service: 0-19 years of age

Referral pathways: Telephone contact to speak to a duty health visitor or 5-19 practitioner: 03000 030013