Funding Opportunity - promoting women's health in marginalised groups

New funding is available, designed to support small, grassroots organisations and community groups to deliver health information and support to women, girls and people from underrepresented groups. Applications are now open. states: 

"We are seeking projects that address the following key points;

  • Projects that aim to improve information, education and support for menstrual health, related gynaecological conditions e.g. PCOS, endometriosis, adenomyosis, fibroids, PMDD, and menopause.
  • Support people and groups that are often underrepresented in mainstream healthcare, information and services, for example people from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds, LGBTQI+, people living with disabilities, deaf people, blind and partially sighted people, people experiencing homelessness, addiction, people living in areas of economic deprivation."

2024 application timeline

Application deadline: Sunday 19 May 2024

Application outcome: Week commencing 17 June 2024

Projects announced (subject to change): Monday 1 July 2024