CNTW Council of Governors Appointed Community and Voluntary Sector Governor Vacancy

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust is currently seeking nominations from the Third/Community and Voluntary Sector to join their Council of Governors.

The nomination process requires:

•           A letter of support from the Third Sector/Community and Voluntary Sector Organisation they currently work in

•           A short 250 word statement why they wish to put themselves forward for this role

The closing date for nominations is 5pm on Wednesday 29th November 2023, all nominations (letter of support and election statement) should be emailed to

The Council of Governors Steering Group will then be discussing and recommending an appointment in December, at which point we will then contact all nominated individuals with the outcome

If anyone would like an informal chat about the role they can contact the Corporate Affairs Office on or call 0191 245 6827.


Community and Voluntary Sector Governor Vacancy