Historic England to Champion Working-class Heritage in the North East with new round of funding

Historic England have announce the second round of funding for Everyday Heritage Grants: Celebrating Working Class Histories.

All of the following information is directly from Historic England.

These grants will fund community-led and people-focused projects to tell the stories of people and places missing from the records of history.

We would welcome your help in sharing this news through your networks in Darlington.

We will be inviting community and heritage organisations to apply for grants of up to £25,000, but we are also interested in funding smaller grass roots projects starting at £1,000 in the hope of reaching people we haven’t worked with before.

Each project should enable people to share untold stories about the places where they live, encouraging communities to examine and tell their own stories in their own ways. The projects selected will contribute positively to participants’ wellbeing, as well as providing innovative volunteering opportunities. Local heritage gives people a sense of pride in place and can act as a powerful catalyst for increasing local opportunities and prosperity. 

Applications close on 7 November 2023. Information on how to apply is at https://historicengland.org.uk/everydayheritage/