Exciting Youthwatch oportunity for young people aged 13-25

This month Tees Valley Youthwatch is looking at the theme of Sexual Health and are looking to identify the challenges that young people face in the area, for example what barriers are potentially stopping them from accessing services.

To help with this we have the opportunity to take part in a research project run by YPEC (Young Peoples’ Education Community).

The next interactive workshop takes place:

·       Thursday 14th September on Zoom – 5:30pm till 6:30pm (Login details sent on the day to those that are interested)

All young people that take part must be between the ages of 13 to 25, due to the nature of the topics that may be discussed we may split the group into 2 depending on the age differences in those that take part. 

As a thank you for taking part, each young person will also receive a £15 Amazon Gift Card.

If you consent to your young person taking part or require more information, please contact:

Lead Youth Worker – Jodie Foster

Email: Jodie@youthfocusne.org.uk

Tel: 07592 901138

Further information is available to download below.


Opportunity for young people
Youthwatch Poster