Academic Health Science Network - Upcoming event listings

The Academic Health Science Network has a number of exciting and informative events coming up around health information and networks.

The following are event listings from the AHSN.

NHS ConfedEXPO 2023

14-15 June 2023, 9:00-17:00, Manchester Central

After the success of NHS ConfedExpo 2022, NHS Confederation and NHS England are pleased to announce NHS ConfedExpo will return in 2023. This event will run for 2 days on 14 and 15 June at Manchester Central.

This is set to be one of the biggest and most significant healthcare conferences in the UK, creating a single point of focus for health and care leaders and their teams to come together at a time of transformation and recovery.

Find out more

The North East and North Cumbria Primary Care Pharmacy Community of Practice

20 June 2023, 12:30-13:45, Online

The North East and North Cumbria Primary Care Pharmacy Community of Practice invite you join us. The theme of our next meeting is: Supporting the Green plan – reducing emissions from medicines use, across NENC.

Come and hear from colleagues from across the ICS on how medicines use affects the environment and what we can do to support achieving net zero by 2030.


Making Every Contact Count: How do you reach 3 million people?

21 June 2023, 9:00-16:30, Teaching and Learning Centre, Durham

In collaboration with Northumbria University, Durham University, supported by NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) North East and North Cumbria (NENC)

This free event will provide an opportunity to learn more about Making Every Contact Count (MECC). Our presentations and interactive workshops will give you the knowledge and skills to implement, deliver and embed MECC in your area.

Keynote speakers:

  • Jill Harland, Chair of Regional MECC Strategy Group, North East and North Cumbria ICS
  • Kate Stanley, Executive Director, Frameworks UK


Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Network Event

21 June 2023, 9:30-12:30, Online

We are delighted to announce that our next event for Phase 2 of the Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Network (MatNeoSIP) will be held on the afternoon of the 21st June.

This event will focus on the work happening in the North East and North Cumbria.


NHIP Academy Know Your Funder event series

28 June 2023, 12:00-14:00, Newcastle University

NHIP Academy is proud to host a series of events where researchers can hear directly from funders about personal awards and fellowship schemes, including doctoral and advanced/post-doctoral fellowships.

Our June Know Your Funder event will be hosted by Professor Ashley Adamson, Professor of Public Health Nutrition, Newcastle University, Chair of NIHR Advanced Local Authority Fellowship (ALAF) Programme.


Key Principles when gathering Behavioural Insights

29 June 2023, 11:00-12:00, Online

AHSN NENC in partnership with NIHR ARC NENC invite you to a joint webinar. The purpose of this webinar is to describe the key principles of Behavioural Insights (BI), why they are important and how understanding them can improve the care we provide. Leading academics and clinicians with real life experience of gaining insights into why people do and do not engage with our health system will provide personal and practical advise.


The AHSN Polypharmacy Programme: Getting the balance right

6 July 2023, 12:00-13:00, Online

The new AHSN Network Polypharmacy: Getting the Balance Right Programme aims to support local systems and primary care to identify patients at potential risk of harm and support better conversations about medicines by promoting shared decision-making. One of the core principles of this is population health management.

To consider how best to understand and utilise available data, the AHSN Network and NHS Business Services Authority (BSA) are hosting a webinar.


Health inequality and air pollution - are we joining the dots?

10 July 2023, 15:30-17:00, Online

Join us for this virtual workshop discussion with Professor Sir Chris Witty, Chief Medical Officer for England, the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser and head of the public health profession, Larissa Lockwood, Director of Clean Air at Global Action Plan and Peter Lillie, Sustainability Strategy Consultant at the Academic Health Science Network, North East & North Cumbria chaired by Matthew Taylor, CEO of NHS Confederation.

We will learn about the recent findings and recommendations from the CMO report on air pollution, discuss strategies for adopting the ICS Clean Air Framework to improve health outcomes and highlight the invaluable role of connecting air pollution and health inequalities, enabling ICS leaders to address both challenges effectively.


Digital Inclusion Forum

11 July 2023,13:30-15:00, Online

The AHSN NENC has been supporting the efforts to create a regional digital inclusion forum. Our next forum brings together the existing and future members to continue the dialogue and identify best practices that can be shared across the region.

Please join us on the 11th July 2023 from 1:30-3:00pm to continue this great discussion and be part of a regional digital inclusion forum that supports, connects and drives an inclusive and accessible digital transformation agenda and supports ‘No one left behind’.

An agenda with details of speakers will be confirmed soon. If you would like to contribute to this session, please contact


ePrescribing Masterclass

12 July 2023,13:00-14:00, Online

The ePrescribing masterclass series consists of a monthly webinar where NHS organisations can share their learning and experiences on digital transformation and enabling Trusts to follow in their footsteps as quickly and effectively as possible.

The sessions are designed to accelerate digital transformation, reduce unwarranted variation, and deliver quality improvements in patient safety, clinical outcomes, and service user experience. It is also an opportunity for people to present at a national level.


Great North Pharmacy Research Collaborative Conference 2023

14 July 2023, 09:00-16:30, Hilton Hotel Newcastle Gateshead

The theme for our annual conference is Pharmacy and Health Inequalities - Mind the Medicines Gap.

We will showcase Foundation Pharmacist projects and work undertaken by pharmacy professionals from hospital, community and primary care, as well as examples of research undertaken at our local academic institutions. Crucially, this event will be an opportunity to meet peers and leaders from across the profession, to share, learn, support and be supported.


NHIP Academy Know your funder event series

18 July 2023,12:00-14:00, Newcastle University

Our July Know Your Funder event will be hosted by Professor Dave Jones, Professor of Liver Immunology, Newcastle University, Deputy Chair of UKRI MRC Clinical academic research partnerships (CARP) Scheme.
