What makes children and young people Glad, Sad & Mad about growing up in Darlington?

Darlington Borough Council are refreshing their Children and Young People’s Plan.

Joanne Shutt,  Young People’s Opportunity & Involvement Worker, Looked After Through Care Team from Darlington Borough Council Joanne.shutt@darlington.gov.uk is in the process of refreshing their Children and Young People’s Plan. The aim of the plan is to understand the needs of children and young people and ensure DBC are able to provide the best support possible to everyone aged 0-25 year old living in Darlington. A copy of the current plan is below

As you will see the current plan is rather long! They are hoping to make this plan much more simple and children and young people friendly.

So to help DBC ensure they are doing their very best, they would love to hear from the children and young people you support! DBC simply want them to tell us, what makes them GLAD, MAD & SAD about growing up in Darlington.

They can draw a picture using the template below, take some photos or make a short video however they want to respond. Their responses will be used to help ensure DBC are providing our children and young people with what they need and please note they may be used in future marketing so parental consent might be required!

If your group would like Joanne to come in and talk to them about this then please get in touch. She'd be more than happy to come along, have a good discussion and help with recording their thoughts either via a short video or simply making some notes. Or feel free to take photos/scans of anything they produce and email them across. Alternatively Joanne can call and collect the hard copies from you.

DBC look forward to hearing  from them and you in the very near future.

Deadline is Monday 19th December.



What makes you. Template
Children and Young People Plan