Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists - Women Voices Lead recruitment

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists is now recruiting a new honorary Women Voices Lead (WVL).

This appointment is for a three-year term beginning in January/ February 2023. This is NOT a staff role, but an independent, honorary post with a commitment of around 12-15 hours per week. A fee of £10,000 per year is attached to the role.

The WVL is uniquely placed within the RCOG and crucial to the organisation’s aim of improving women’s health. The role retains independence and acts as a conduit between the College – and the O&G specialty it represents – and the public, as O&G service users.

The WVL chairs the RCOG Women’s Network, the College’s patient/lay committee, and leads the larger virtual engagement group, the Women’s Voices Involvement Panel. Bringing insight into the College’s work, the role ensures women’s voices inform and influence the development and implementation of key objectives within the College’s UK activities.

Having a balanced and objective viewpoint is crucial to the role, as is being able to consider a wide range of perspectives, evidence and healthcare challenges.

Deadline for application: 15th December

You can find full information about the role and details of how to apply here: