Invitation to Community Growing and Food Network Meeting - Volunteering

The Community Growing and Food Network is an online network for community organisations in County Durham who run, or are interested in running, community food and growing projects.

We will welcome Bella Dreissen, Local Action Officer for Sustainable Food Places at Sustain, to talk about the Good to Grow network to get people involved in their local community gardens, how to join in and their great tool the Harvest-o-meter.

Our Volunteering Specialist Charlotte Linton will be showing us around the County Durham Volunteering platform and giving us some tips on recruiting volunteers. 

There will also be an opportunity for discussion and networking with other organisations. 

The next online meeting takes place on Tuesday 22nd November from 2.00 - 3.30pm and will focus on ‘Volunteering.'

Attendance is free although booking in advance is required to secure places. Joining instructions will be provided prior to the meeting.

For any enquiries please email

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