House of Commons - Long-term funding of adult social care - Report

Following an inquiry from the Committee, this report examines funding and workforce demands, local government finances, and the potential impact of Government proposals such as charging reforms.

The report recommends:

  • In line with Health and Social Care Select Committee, Government must allocate at least £7 billion a year to adult social care.
  • Extending the Infection Control Fund while self-isolation advice remains for care workers.
  • That additional grant funding should be announced as soon as possible to cover immediate gaps, inflationary pressures and unmet care needs.
  • Government must provide a multi-year funding settlement to support sustainability of local authorities.
  • Ringfenced funding should also be announced to enable more carers to take a break this year.
  • That more support be provided to local authorities to manage the introduction of a new cap and more generous means test.
  • That the Government reconsiders which contributions from those living in residential care count towards their care cap.
  • More should be done to show how the Government’s ten year plan as outlined in the White Paper will be implemented.
  • A ten year workforce strategy should also be published.
  • National discharge to assess funding should be re-introduced.