Same Day Emergency Care - survey and focus groups

NHS England & NHS Improvement have established a project group to co-produce a list of practical ideas for hospitals that offer Same Day Emergency Care services to improve the experience of care for those that use or work within the services.

What is Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC)?

SDEC is the delivery of same day care for emergency patients who would otherwise be admitted to hospital. Under this care model, patients presenting at hospital with relevant conditions can be rapidly assessed, diagnosed and treated without being admitted to a ward, and if clinically safe to do so, will go home the same day their care is provided. Same day emergency care is sometimes called Ambulatory Care.

Patients can be referred to SDEC treatment through different routes, including:

  • From emergency departments

  • Direct referral from GPs

  • Direct transfer from ambulance services

  • Direct referral from NHS 111

For more details about Same Day Emergency Care please visit NHS England » Same day emergency care

NHSE/I needs your help!

In order to develop a list of practical ideas that can improve experience of care they need to understand what a good experience of care is. They would like your help to understand what matters to you when you use a hospital service. To do this they would people to complete a survey or join a small focus group for discussion.

There are two surveys available –

  1. If you or someone you have supported has used a Same Day Emergency Care service

  2. If you or someone you have supported has used a hospital service in the last 5 years

(See copies of the survey questions below.)

The closing date for the surveys is 27 March 2022.

If you would like an easy read version of either of these surveys please email

If you are interested in joining a small 1 hour online focus group in March 2022 to share your experience please provide contact details (email/phone number) to and NHSE/I will get back to you.


Same Day Emergency Care Service Feedback
Hospital Service User Feedback