Young Carers: Awareness & Identification Training
Date: Wednesday 16th February 2022, 09:30 – 12:30
Where: This will be an online training event, held on Microsoft Teams. Once you have booked your place through Eventbrite, you will be sent an email with joining instructions. You will not need to have account with Microsoft Teams in order to join.
Booking: Through Eventbrite -
This training event, delivered by The Children's Society and NHS England & NHS Improvement, will bring together a broad range of multi-agency professionals from the North East and Yorkshire region of England and will provide training around identifying, referring and supporting young carers. This event will also provide attendees with the opportunity to understand the factors that can increase a young carer’s likelihood of remaining hidden; associated vulnerabilities of being a young carer; and how a whole systems, whole family approach can be utilised to better support young carers. This training event will enable you to explore how your role can seek to actively identify, support and improve outcomes for young carers.
This event is aimed at all multi-agency professionals who may be coming into contact with the young carers. We are inviting professionals working in health, specialist services, community groups and education - all of whom have a role to play when working with children, adults and families to identify, support and refer young carers. This event is not just for professionals working within children’s services, or for those already working with young carers – it is relevant and pertinent to all in young people and family facing roles.
This learning event has been commissioned by NHS England & NHS Improvment and will be delivered by The Children’s Society’s Include Service.
Please do feel free to circulate this email on to colleagues and professionals who may also be interested. The booking deadline is Friday 11th February.
For more information, or for any other questions, please contact Anna Jacklin:
07725 639278