Equipping young people with the skills to lead
The programme follows an agreed syllabus and is fully accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management, resulting in an NVQ level 2 qualification.
The programme has been successfully run in secondary schools, including with Special Educational Needs groups, Interact clubs, Rotaract clubs and other youth groups.
Who is it for?
The programme is for young people from age 14 to early 20s.
What is involved?
Students work in groups of 4-6 to plan, implement and review a community activity or service project, such as a charity toy drive for a local hospice, community litter pick or a ‘Battle of the Bands’ concert.
Candidates receive a minimum of 14 hours guided learning by an approved tutor on the concepts of leadership and management, delivered by an approved local tutor, while compiling and maintaining a project workbook as evidence of their learning. At the end of the process, candidates must deliver a presentation demonstrating their application of their learning through the delivery of their project.
All educational resources, including teacher handbooks, project workbooks and online learning material have been developed in conjunction with and are approved by, the Institute of Leadership and Management.
Benefits for young people
- Provides a structured learning programme on a number of key skill sets including leadership, communication, problem-solving and planning
- Each candidate has a defined role within the group, ensuring that they have both an individual and collective responsibility for the successful completion of the project.
- The projects stretch the candidate into new areas of experience.
- Enhances young people’s CVs for apprenticeship, university or job applications
- Programme results in an NVQ Level 2 qualification
Cost of the programme
The programme costs nothing but your time and commitment.
The students also have temporary membership of the Institute of Leadership and Management and access to online materials, with the only other local costs being photocopying and the set-up of the assessment process, that will be covered if you are interested?
If you are interested or have any questions please contact Kevin Robinson 07830 341357.