Breathe Easy Darlington

July 7th, 2021, saw Breathe Easy Darlington meet for a picnic in South Park Darlington. They have all been shielding, so have been unable to meet in person but are looking forward to more meets in person.
Breathe Easy Darlington picnic in the park image

The group, which is affiliated to The British Lung Foundation, provides support and information for people living with a lung condition, and for those who look after them. The focus is for people to meet and talk to others, share their experiences, and learn from each other.

The Darlington Group has monthly meetings which are held at The Copper Beech, Neasham Road, Darlington at lunchtimes on the first Tuesday of every month. The social meetings are free to attend and they often have talks by health professionals and others. 

They also have weekly meetings on a Wednesday for BE Active and BEDance , which are tailored to meet the needs which our lung conditions often dictate. Research has shown that such tailored exercise improves our general and lung health in many ways. There is a small cost involved with these classes, which are led by a qualified instructor. 

For more information please contact

07552 684500 or 07734 993188