Darlington Carers Support Newsletter - May 2021

Darlington Carers Support share the May edition of their newsletter 'Caring Matters' hear from their CEO Jenni Wood on how you can help them celebrate national Carers Week from 7th to 13th June. This years theme is “Making Caring Visible and Valued”.

In this issue read about 

  • Carers Week 7th - 13th June 2021
  • Carer Breaks
  • Carers in Employment Project
  • Virtual Carers Groups
  • Covid 19 Vaccine for Unpaid Carers
  • Carers in Darlington are now able to access the Carers UK Digital Resource for Carers

and lots more

Read the newsletter here

To contact Darlington Carers Support:

03000 301215


Visit their website www.dccarers.org or their Facebook page -https://www.facebook.com/darlingtoncarerssupport