Action Deafness Community & Care Live Webinar

Action Deafness Community & Care team has organised an online event on Wednesday 19th May 2021 to look at Deaf people’s experience and lessons learned during the coronavirus pandemic.

The panel of five speakers appraises Action Deafness’ Community Care response during the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. Covid-19 exposed gaps in community care provision and practice yet at the same time, it highlighted the need for a dedicated and specific response to the care needs of D/deaf people.

The panel reflects a range of experience relating to the support provision for D/deaf people and looks to identify what we can learn from the Action Deafness experience and seeks to imagine a social care system that is inclusive of the needs of D/deaf people.

The live webinar will take place on Wednesday 19th May 2021, 2pm - 3.30pm.

Please contact for information and registration.

Download the poster here

Action Deafness, the leading Deaf-led charity in th UK provide bespoke services that benefits Deaf, hard of hearing, deafened, deafblind and hearing people throughout UK.

0116 253 3200