Hello, how are you? St Teresa’s Hospice launch their new series of online web talks

St Teresa’s Hospice will be offering a new series of online talks for anyone caring for a loved one with a serious illness.

St Teresa's Hospice are launching a new series of online talks starting on the 27th October, which are for anyone caring for a loved one with a serious illness such as heart or respiratory disease, cancer, or a neurological condition. They will be offering information and support from their local specialists in a range of topics including:

• Your Needs and Wishes

• Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney

• Emotional and Practical Support

• Financial Grants and Benefits

• Self-Care and Wellbeing

Participants will receive a free wellbeing pack.

To request a place or for more information please contact Deborah Robinson, Family Support Team Manager, on

01325 254321

or by emailing


If you are interested but need some help getting onto the calls, they can offer some limited technical support.