Cornerstone Arts is open for business!

Cornerstone Arts offers free entry to explore a new gallery space at the heart of Darlington.
Cornerstone Logo


In the heart of town, Darlington's former Marks & Spencer building has been reborn as Cornerstone Arts. Open Monday to Saturday, 10am - 5pm, They offer a COVID-friendly space to escape from the stresses and pressures of everyday life.


Currently displaying a range of high-quality artwork, Cornerstone Arts is much more than just a gallery. The building comes alive several times a week with the sound of music as Opera Nova and Darlington Choral Society rehearse, and participants get moving at Swing Fit, Circle Dancing, Yoga and Pilates. Cornerstone Arts is so spacious that social distancing is straightforward.  

Coming up soon 'It's All Happening Here!' - Friday, 6th November & Saturday 7th, November 10am-5pm. A 'creative celebration of arts and community, inspired by Darlington'. Led and curated by ODDMANOUT theatre company. Expect to encounter sounds, words, art, live performance and music. Free entry.


Cornerstone Arts is supported by a wonderful team of volunteers. If you would like to be part of something special, join their volunteer community. Register your interest here:

Find out more on their Facebook page @cornerstoneartsdarlington

or visit their website