Volunteers Week 2021 - Celebrating our Youthwatch Darlington volunteers (Part 3)

This year Power of Youth Day will take place on 2 June, during Volunteers Week, which is led by NCVO, Volunteer Scotland, WCVA and Volunteer Now.
When the pandemic began young people were already supporting their communities through volunteering and social action. And they continued to do so over the past 14 months despite huge challenges, disruption and sacrifices. They also responded to the changing needs around them to support others through the pandemic.
On Wednesday 2nd June 2021 Power of Youth Day will focus on the incredible efforts that young people made during the last year, a year impacted by a global pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. We want to recognise the resilience, energy and strength of young people – as volunteers, mentors, peer educators and more – while overcoming the challenges the pandemic brought.
At Youthwatch Darlington our volunteers really stepped up and reached out to other young people during the pandemic. They have raised awareness, listened to other young people and shared information with health services so they could take on board the challenges young people have faced during the pandemic in Darlington.

Youthwatch Darlington Volunteer - Amy Adams
Amy has been a Youthwatch Darlington volunteer for just over two years. Amy joined our group as a very shy volunteer but had a passion for helping others and making a difference.
During Amy's time as a volunteer she has improved waiting areas within health services, raised awareness, listened to other young people, advocating for young people in the town and represented at events both locally an nationally. Amy has become a well resected champion for Youthwatch Darlington and we couldn't do what we do without her, thank you very much.
What motivates you to volunteer?
"I’ve personally used some health services in Darlington and I feel they don’t have some of the awareness they need for certain service user groups, so I want to use my experience to help others and the services people use. Just helping others in general is big motivating factor for me. It makes me feel really good inside. I don’t like seeing others who can not get the help they need."
What have you enjoyed about volunteering for Healthwatch Darlington so far?
"All of the successes that I have been apart of so far. Youthwatch Darlington receiving ‘Highly Commended' in the Healthwatch awards and being able to talk to The Soroptimists about our ‘Body Image’ project. But even the little things are great and feel like such an achievement. I love seeing everyone and getting the chance to socialise."
Why do you think your volunteer role at Healthwatch Darlington is important?
"My role is important because my views and input are valued at Healthwatch Darlington. My role enables me to share information with young people in the town. For example when we design awareness raising posters."
How do you think your role makes a difference?
"I make a difference to Healthwatch Darlington, communities and people. Sharing my feedback and helping Healthwatch to plan projects means we can enable more people to have a voice which then influences decision making within health service in the future. For example; we listened to young people who use mental health services, they told us there wasn’t enough information in Darlington. We then improved waiting areas and resources within the town."
Finally, what do you get from volunteering?
"Socialising the good feeling inside from helping others, more experience and opportunities."

Youthwatch Darlington - Ellie McLernon
Ellie is one of our newest volunteers to join Youthwatch Darlington. Ellie is passionate about mental health and finding out about research. Ellie hopes to gain some work experience so she can pursue her career following on from university. Thanks for joining us Ellie.
What motivates you to volunteer?
"I want to help other people and gain some work experience.Volunteering is one way I can do this."
What have you enjoyed about volunteering for Healthwatch Darlington so far?
"It’s good to see what we have suggested and been involved with has happened or made a difference, that’s a rewarding feeling. I enjoy hearing what others think about health services and the community."
Why do you think your volunteer role at Healthwatch Darlington is important?
"My role is important because I’m involved in planning and decisions which means individuals can have their say. This then means we can influence health service providers and possibly Government."
How do you think your role makes a difference?
"I feel my role makes a difference because the information I learn about health services and wellbeing can be shared with others which will help them in the future or they might not have known about some support available. One example; Just knowing about Healthwatch and sharing this with others. Before I started volunteering I just thought the Government made decisions about health & care, its good to know people do have a voice"
Finally, what do you get from volunteering?
"The opportunities to be involved with projects and key pieces of research work, means I can develop my CV which will help me in the future."

Youthwatch Darlington volunteer - Jessica Mather
Jessica has been a Youthwatch Darlington volunteer for 18 months. Jessica would love to pursue a career within mental health after successfully graduating from university.
In Jessica's time as a volunteer she has been awarded our 'Volunteer of the month' award in November 2020 which reflects her passion for helping others in a number of our key Youthwatch projects. For example; body image, looking after your mental health during the pandemic, worried about the future and healthy eating. Not to mention Jess has represented Healthwatch Darlington live on Facebook during 'Children's Mental Health Week' interviewing NSPCC and Kooth. Thank you Jess so much.
What motivates you to volunteer?
"When I first started volunteering I wanted to gain real life experience in a natural setting. It is nice that I am attempting to make change, and we can make a difference with the projects that we do. Learning how to write reports, about different services and other organisations we meet along the way is also another motivation to volunteer"
What have you enjoyed about volunteering for Healthwatch Darlington so far?
"My favorite project so far was the ‘Worried about the future’ I really enjoyed creating podcasts and gathering resources which was really relevant at the time during the middle of lockdown. It was our own ideas and we had our own independence and responsibility to create the project. Being a part of changing the Child Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) waiting room. That was really good because I could see the change. Being a part of the group in general. Our ideas are listened to and then we can work together to develop them to make them happen."
Why do you think your volunteer role at Healthwatch Darlington is important?
"My role is important because we can ensure the voices of children & young people in the town are listened to. Sometimes young people don’t feel listened to but Youthwatch Darlington can reassure other young people that there views do matter and we can act as a champion for them. Other Healthwatch don’t have many young volunteers so it makes our role even more important."
How do you think your role makes a difference?
"When we do focus groups and we hear from young people we can identify areas of concern for that age group. For example ‘Body Image’ was highlighted most by young people as something that impacts on mental health. Listening and then raising awareness means we draw attention to the topic within schools, colleges and other settings which gets the conversation started which can be one of the hardest things. The fact we have been noticed by Healthwatch England and recognised as ‘Highly Commended’ makes a difference to Healthwatch Darlington. This helps to inspire other young people in the area that they can make a difference. Big organisations also want to hear about our projects which means more people share our work."
Finally, what do you get from volunteering?
"Confidence! The thought of doing a Facebook live and representing Youthwatch Darlington in front of other organisations is something I never would have done. The supported environment means we can grow and have independence to take charge of projects and responsibilities. It’s really flexible and I love the community of volunteers at Healthwatch Darlington. The feeling that others will listen to our podcasts or see our projects and it could make a difference to just one person makes me feel really good."

Youthwatch Darlington volunteer - Jaden Kirk
Jaden joined Youthwatch Darlinton 12 months ago during the pandemic. Jaden has a passion for helping others and advocating for those with a learning disability.
During Jaden's time with Youthwatch Dalrington he has taken on the lead role to develop and create media, podcasts and some of our graphics which means Youthwatch Darlington has become more accessible during a period of uncertainty. Thank you for sharing your time with Healthwatch/Youthwatch Darlington Jaden.
What motivates you to volunteer?
"Expanding my horizons and opportunities to do stuff that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to do unless I volunteered."
What have you enjoyed about volunteering for Healthwatch Darlington so far?
"I’ve really enjoyed learning about how the health & care system works. As an outsider you really don’t know how it works and being a volunteer gives you that opportunity. I like meeting the other volunteers and members of staff at Healthwatch Darlington."
Why do you think your volunteer role at Healthwatch Darlington is important?
"Without volunteers it would be much harder for Healthwatch Darlington/Youthwatch Darlington to do as much as it does. I’ve been able to use my skills to help Healthwatch Darlington in different areas"
How do you think your role makes a difference?
"I’m able to promote Healthwatch and make sure others in the community know about their work. I’ve helped to represent Healthwatch Darlington which means the organisation is noticed. My role means I am able to contribute to awareness raising and sharing information in the community."
Finally, what do you get from volunteering?
"I gain work experience, improve my skills and spend my time making a difference."
If you would like to find out more abut our volunteer opportunities or ask us questions please get in touch with our Senior Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator, Jemma Austin by emailing info@healthwatchdarlington.co.uk or call 01325 38015 (please leave Jemma a message)