Young people worried about the future: Hear from Emily West a young volunteers experience

'At 18, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I loved academia, but that was about as specific as I could be. I loved biochemistry, languages and literature. When the time came to set about choosing my University course, I was overwhelmed. The sensible choice was medicine, a guaranteed job, stability and a good salary, coupled with the opportunity to work abroad and the fulfilment of saving lives. The adventurous option was French and Arabic, the Islamic world enthralled me and my A Level French was by far my most enjoyable subject. I considered Politics and philosophy, both subjects I often explored in my free time and that excited me about the future and the chance to make real change in society. The list of options went on.
In the end I opted for the sensible (read: safe) option - medicine. As much as this subject excited me, exposure to the health care setting has highlighted the flaws in my plan. An underfunded NHS, lengthy degree and even longer spent specialising in the field of my choice. Looking back, do I regret my choice? Honestly, I'm still unsure. My love for biochemistry and the human body remains, I am still excited by my lectures and tutorials, just as much as I was during my first week. But the stress and perfectionism rife in the field has really forced me to question not only my own values, but my motivation to pursue this career.
Did I choose this path because it was easy, or is this really my passion?
In the last year, I took a rash decision. I was going to take a year out of my studies and explore the world. Though at first this shocked my parents and tutors alike, it has proven to be one of my best decisions. I have had experiences I never dreamed of and been exposed to sights and stories that have ignited my passion for change. Though now my life vision is very different to that 5 years ago, I hold no regrets. It is imperative that at all times you choose a path that excites you. The world today is very different to that of our parents; a career isn't for life, and your choices age 18 do not define your future.
Things change, but I wouldn't change a thing!