Tees Valley YMCA - New Summer weekly hub timetable and other news - August 2024

Tees Valley YMCA have released their new 6-week Summer activity timetable of youth sessions at their Darlington hub and further afield.

The following is directly from Tees Valley YMCA

Apologies for the delay, we have been incredibly busy with our fun-packed summer activities. To think we are halfway through the summer holidays and still have so much to offer to young people aged 10 – 19. If you know of a young person who would be interested in joining one of our sessions and would like more information, please contact 01325462452 and ask for community and youth services.

Please find attached the 6-week summer activities timetable, an updated version of our weekly planner for all our free youth sessions happening in our on-site hub (during term-time) as well as our community-based youth sessions across Darlington. A date of when these sessions will recommence is still yet to be confirmed.


YMCA - 6-week summer activities timetable - August 2024
Weekly free Youth sessions & community-based youth sessions across Darlington

If you have questions, feel free to contact the Y-Connect Project Lead - junemcstravick@ymcateesvalley.org.uk

If you would like receives updates, please check out our socials and give us a link or a follow!

Facebook  – Tees Valley YMCA and Instagram - @teesvalleymca